I am a type of Newgrounder that will be the best leader and be famous some day. Just Give Me!!! some time ;).


Joined on 5/12/12

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I want to be cool as ...

Posted by Slirun - July 10th, 2013

Boy oh boy it has been a few months since i haven't compose a news. I also changed my icon picture because I just felt like it. Ok uhm i decided to compose a news that "I want to be cool as ... " bc I know that there are some newgrounds member that are cool. I have tons of list of them and plus I'ill explain the reason why.

here's the list


This is the list of these 10 special newgrounds members of who they are and what they are. If you don't agree with me then just don't write any comments on my news with assults unless if you're super duper nice. ok now lets start with a first person Drjam.

drjam - He is a type of newground member with the most blames. ok newgrounds uhm just bc i said he has the most blames don't try to think to negative. Think about it to the bright side.Do you want to know what's the birght side is , he get to be #1 officaly blams list in rankings . He may sound a notaries person but at least he has more saves then blames so that prove he's not that evil ;).

toolcool100 - He is a type of newground member with the most saves; ok newgrounds uhm just bc i said he has the most saves don't try to think to positive. Think about it to the dark side.Do you want to know what's the dark side is he saves to much newgrounds submissions especially the spams and shitty submissions. oops I'm sorry if i'm a bit hush full but i have to tell u the truth alright now back to the bright side you get to be in #1 official saves list .

Pimp - Dam your level and experinces points are to dam freaking high. It also past 9,000!!!! He's also # 1 officaly high level of experience points

nijsse - He earn so many meadals is like my mouth will be dropping dead and what i made by that expression is I'm jealous of you a lot , like literally and impressed
of how much medals you earn. you're also in official top # 1 medals list.

tigerj15 - He was born talanted to be the professinal sprite series animation. I love them , keep making them and here's the Link watch it and enjoy it and just bc his submission has 3 1/2 stars doesn't mean u should vote 3 or 4. Well in that case it should be a 5 in my opinion bc he use heart and effort to make them unique. Oh yeah if you want to know what does Game mean. It stands for gaming animation most extravagansy at game ep 1 It's also so bad so sad that tigerj15 only have 25 fans. Someone please Follow him then he'ill be happy that he had earn some fans.

e104joker - I love your series of super smash bros st. I love it bc your idea of super smash bros st is uniquly awsome just like egorapter would say. It's seems like he has stop making super smash bros st series. he is also dead at ngs rip :'(. he also compose a news a few months ago then died back again. Hey ng members go watch the 1st eposide I promise you that it is entertainning ;).

kirbopher - 9 years ago he had made a fun series of tta. what it means is tv tome adventures. He had made like 73 eposides plus it's entertaining. Here's the link to the 1st ep of tta Then 7 years later he started working on tome and it's been animated and has voice actors/actress . Here's the here's the link to the tome 1st ep. if you want to know what tome means. it stands for terrain of magical expertys. Then 2 years later he's still working on tome. lets hope this guy won't be dead at ngs just like alvin-earthworm , e104joker , egorapter and sambakza .

alvin-earthworm - He is very famous person for making super mario bros Z and i love them a lot. Epecially when he makes an event with mario and sonic vs bowser and dr.eggman . Here's the link to watch his first ep of super bros z.
he's also dead at ngs rip and plus here is the reason why.

link2370 - He is very well talanted and professional making his own series of smb: the mush room hero and if you want to know what does smb means. it is super mario bros. here's the link of his smb: the mushroom hero eps 1 - 12 besides is entertaining. wait , hold on there's kinda bad sitition that we might have. he is kinda dead at ng bc it has been almost a year since he didn't make smb: the mushroom hero eps 13. I hoped that he is still a live at ngs or maybe rip.

Sambakza - very cool animater of there she is He constanly earn 1 st daily place and weekly 1st to :D. Then again another ng member died rip. there she is the originally part 1

egoraptor - makes so many parades of "awsome" which is Metal Gear Awsome Awesome chaotix and other and he doesn't only make
parades but he also make girl chan in paradise and plus it is fun and entertaing be sure to watch his girl chan in paradise eps 2 and final girl chan in paradise eps 3
. Then he stop making girl chan in paradise. Then eventually dead at newgrounds.
something shocking :O

I met one of the ng staff member at new grounds chatting which is Luis the link it's right here :P
About my stats:
animation:It's onlyoh my you're crazy girl
game: i don't make them
art: nice and basic but not scouted the link is here
meadals : average high meadal earner 72,580
music: i don't make them
whistle : proud to be normal
rank : potral security
other updates:

when I reach level 21 i will interveiw my self and I think that is about time to review my self :D.

When I reach level 22 I will compose a news about level up part 2. I should be doing that every time i passed 11 levels.

here's level up part 1


Yeah, all these users are cool, but they have ways to be cool.

Honestly, I think everyone is cool, and it's because they reveal their specialties enough to make them unique. Everyone is also equally cool, because of how different we are compared to each other, but something we have makes us the same such as showing our true selves and our abilities to make us into being.

Okay enough of that, and I will be looking forward to your interview! And I will check out the level up. Welcome back too!

I'm happy that u said that all these users are cool , you want to look forward for my interveiw and leveling up.

i agree with 3DPitDudez i think you shouldve just written about that what you see cool about yourself instead of wanting to be cool as one of these user .

hhhhmmmmm maybe you're right :P .